Pond Life (TV series)

Pond Life is a British animated television series that ran for two series on Channel 4 in 1996 and 2000. A series of 13x15minute episodes was screened from 3 to 18 December 1996, mainly at 5.45pm, but with two epidodes exploring more adult themes reserved for a double screening at 11.25pm. This series was repeated between March and June 1998. A second series of 7x30minute episodes followed between 19-30 September 2000 to tie-in with Channel 4's Animation Week of 23-29 September 2000.

Written and directed by Candy Guard, the comedy follows the daily infuriations and half successes of its neurotic and self-obsessed protagonist, Dolly Pond.

Although Pond Life is a traditional hand-drawn cartoon, the comedy series was directed at adult audiences and specifically targeted at female viewers.

Pond Life began life in 1992 with a pilot episode entitled I Want a Boyfriend ... Or Do I?, co-commissioned by Channel 4 and S4C.[1]


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